
Sunday, 16 December 2012

Gift Wrapped - Christmas Inspiration 2012

I am not one for solely following tradition and those 1 metre rolls of shiny paper scattered with trees and snowmen and candy bars are definitely past their "sell by date". Myself, I keep a stock of embellishments on hand which are really great for last minute wrapping. Collect vintage beads or jewelry, broken vintage pieces and old buckles can be put to use. Buckles can be threaded onto wide or narrow ribbon and secured around your parcel. Pieces of jewelry can be hot glued onto the ribbon or parcel itself. There are endless ways to wrap.  

I have been browsing the Internet and found some "non traditional" but fabulous ways to wrap your gifts. lots more inspiration can be seen on my Pinterest board, I have added a link at the end of this post.


You can find many more gift wrap ideas on my Pinterest board "Gift Wrapped"

Happy wrapping!

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I Did Tell You

1| Image via Style Me Pretty 
2|Collage created by Lee Caroline - Via Style Me Pretty 
3|Collage created by Lee Caroline - Via Style Me Pretty.

Sending out prayers to all the familes affected by the tradgedy of Newtown CT


  1. Love the white pom poms, perfect for holiday wrap. Hope your holidays are off to a great start, Laura

    1. Pom poms are fabulous, I am working on a "pom,pom" post for next year and I cannot believe the inspiration I have found.

      Thank you for your comment, they mean so much to me.

      Lee :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Bente, I hope you found inspiration to wrap your gifts this Christmas.

      Lee :)

  3. So gorgeous, almost too good to open! x

    1. I have so much fun decorating my own gifts each year and have found so much inspiration for this years.

      Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Vic and that your business has been busy, busy :)


  4. My goodness! The wrapping is so lovely that it is a present all by itself! I would have to open very carefully. ;)


    1. Even the littlest of gifts can be wrapped beautifully. Thank you so much for dropping by :)


  5. I'm with you! The heck with the red and green reindeer and santas! Your photo suggestions are are much more beautiful, and fun ideas. My mom used to get solid color wrapping paper, be it silver, or white, or even black, and tie big fat gorgeous satin bows on them. Her packages were amazing. I'm trying to find plain white wrapping paper this year, (amazingly enough i only found one roll) and then i'm going with pink satin bows!


    1. White and pink satin will be beautiful, I think a perfect match with your delightful interior Cindy.

      Lee :)


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