
Monday, 13 June 2011

Encouraging Words - Imperfections

Recently I have found myself struggling with my "perfectionist" attitude and I realise that it has often held me up with my art and my life.  I have begun to understand that perfection is an impossibility and that imperfection is often what makes us stand out from the crowd.  Even models are often chosen for their imperfections and people are beginning to realise that not being perfect is ok.  Still though I realise that some of us struggle in all areas of our work and home life, striving for perfection which ultimately cannot possibly be achieved.

I found this quote below at "The Quote" and chose the Leaning Tower of Pisa to go with my quote. I felt it so applicable as the Tower of Pisa is a prime example of something beautiful but not perfect. Not only is it not perfect but as you will see from the information below about the Tower, it was already failing when they reached the third level, but still they continued to build it. Today we know that people flock from all over the world to see this building for the sole reason of it being "imperfect".

I hope these quotes bring encouragement to your day.

When construction of this campanile began in 1173, Pisa was a trading center at the peak of its military might and artistic achievement. Much to the embarrassment of Pisans, however, their white marble tower began to tilt even before its third story was finished in 1274.

Perhaps engineer Bonanno Pisano failed to consider the consequences of designing a 185-foot-tall tower with a stone foundation only about ten feet thick. And this thin base rests on soft sand, rubble, and clay -- not firm underpinnings for an almost 16,000-ton tower. The structure continued to settle unevenly.
Nonetheless, construction continued. To make up for the tilt, builders made each new tier a little taller on the short side -- but the additional stone only made the tower sink more. Upon completion in 1350, the tower was leaning a full 4 feet, 7 inches from vertical.
Up in the belfry, the weight of the bells caused the structure to tilt even further. By the late 20th century the tower was leaning more than 17 feet toward the south, and a rescue operation was begun. Engineers removed soil from under the north side of the tower to even out the differences in the foundation. During the restoration, visitors were not allowed to enter the tower and climb the 293-step spiral staircase to the top. The lean was reduced by more than 15 inches. Hard to believe? What else would you expect for a tower standing on what Pisans call the Campo dei Miracoli -- the Field of Miracles

Extract taken from

You may be disappointed if you fail,
but you are doomed if you don't try

Beverly Sills

The quote from Beverly Sills is from  "A Cup of Chicken Soup for the Soul"
Photo of Leaning Tower of Pisa from Mammaoca2008

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