Saturday, 14 December 2013

Iced Gingerbread Cookies - Simple Recipe & Icing Tutorial

I am trying to cram in as many Christmas posts as I can with time desperately running out. It is 10.30pm and I have just finished icing my gingerbread cookies, I would certainly not win an award for my attempt but having discovered a fabulous video tutorial, which has revolutionised my skills, I am quite proud of my results. No longer do I need to mess around with different sized nozzles and plastic piping bags creating a sticky mess. This easy icing bag and nozzle is made out of a single piece of baking paper. I am sure seasoned icers already use this method, however if you are new to this skill, you will find the video invaluable. I have embedded the video at the end of this post.

Ginger Bread Cookies (makes 17 medium to large cookies)
Double the recipe for larger amounts.

125g butter
3 and a half tablespoons of golden syrup
100g Muscovado sugar
300g plain flour
2 tsp ground ginger 
1 tsp baking soda
large flat baking sheet


1 packet of Royal icing powder mix (white) 

  • Melt your butter, sugar and golden syrup together in a pot
  • Heat oven to 200 degrees Celsius (392 Fahrenheit)
  • Sift flour, ginger and baking powder
  • Add melted mixture to dry ingredients
  • Stir well until it forms a stiff ball (if too sticky, add some more flour)
  • Roll out the dough to a thickness of around 1cm directly onto the baking sheet
  • cut out your shapes, retain the excess dough to make a second batch
  • leave an allowance between cookies so they do not spread into each other
  • Make a hole near the top with a skewer or similar, make it a little larger than you will need as the cookie dough may spread slightly
  • Bake for 10-12 minutes
  • Remove from oven, should be slightly browner at the edges. Allow to cool then remove to cool further on a cookie rack
  • When cookies are completely cooled down, mix your icing by directions on packet (see video for texture and recipe if required)
  • Make your icing bag by folding a piece of baking paper as per video, make sure you roll the paper into a fine point, achieving a fine hole for piping (around 2mm)
  • Cut off excess paper at the top and spoon your icing inside (make sure it is well into the lower half of the bag). Fold across the top as per video to form a seal and help push the icing down
  • Pipe your cookies and allow them to dry before threading some twine or ribbon for hanging on a tree

Hints & Tips:
  • If the mixture sticks to the rolling pin you can place a sheet of baking paper over the top and roll on top of this. I actually just added a little more flour to the mixture.
  • This mixture can be used to make a gingerbread house but you will need to double the mixture
  • Do not place uncooked cookies too close to each other as they can spread a little
  • Adding silver balls to the icing can create a pretty look
  • Squeeze slowly and steadily when icing, constant pressure is important in neat piping
  • These cookies make great hostess gifts if you wrap them in cellophane and tie with a pretty ribbon (black & white gingham looks great)

If you want to make some more Holiday candy's you may enjoy this easy tutorial for


Lee oxo

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  1. Beautiful cookies! I love decorating cookies too, especially gingerbread ones at Christmastime!

    1. Thank you Maria, I am not that skilled in cookie decorating but was pretty pleased with my attempt.

      Lee :)

  2. We will soon decorate the ginger house. Thank you fpor a useful video :-) Always struggles with the icing...

    1. I haven't yet attempted a ginger house but maybe next year. Sorry for the v late reply to your comment, I have only just spotted it.

  3. I'm crazy about gingerbread cookies and when it comes to decorating, simple is the key for me.


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