Wednesday, 18 December 2013

A French Style Dream Home

If you are a regular reader, you will know by my constant repetition, my dream is to build a French style house and as I am inching closer to this dream, I have been collecting images to inspire me. I thought the easiest way I could portray my ideas was to create some idea books to share with you. Please use the small arrows at the lower right hand side to move through the slide show.

This first home 'Villanova', designed by Peter Zimmerman Architects, reflects a French colonial country house with many ideas to draw inspiration from.

Use arrows to move through slide show

My second slideshow is a collation of architecture and design ideas conjuring up some French style.

Lots of inspiration for my French Style dream home
Lee oxo

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  1. Lee, everything is sooo beautiful! Thanks for sharing your dream, I just know that soon you'll wake up in just such a home. Lovely!

    1. Thank you for your kind comment Patti, I am meanwhile trying to transform my home and slowly getting there. I am getting a pro camera for Christmas and plan to share my home with my readers as I complete each room.



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