Saturday, 15 December 2012

Mrs Polly Rogers Creates A Christmas Wreath

Today I'm transporting you back to 1956, Elvis, Ellington, USA winning 32 Olympic Gold medals, New Zealand winning 2. The first "Smarties" TV advert shown in the UK with the popular slogan, "Sweetest, treatest, best to eatest". Even if you weren't born in 1956, I think we all remember Smarties as they are still as popular today as they were 56 years ago. Why 1956 your wondering...Well, while researching for inspiration for this weeks shared post I came across "Mrs Polly Rogers".  Polly is a delightful "young", not "old" lady who lives in the era 1956. Polly has her own website and TV channel where her charming and witty personality transports you back to the 50's, guiding you through instructions to make her decorative crafts. If you were born out of this era, imagine the setting and styles in the  movie "Pleasantville", and this is Polly.

Here is what Polly has to say about herself:

"My life is relatively uncomplicated. I take care of house and home, the hubby, the kids and the dog. I guess you could call it my thoroughly atomic wife-style life-style!

Oh yes and there's my TV show which is all about making your home life as beautiful as possible on a shoe-string budget. We create projects of all kinds by being clever with those illusive pennies in the cookie jar!

So put on your hat, tie on an apron and we will master the art of creative domestic science together and I promise to share all my tips and tricks with you!"

I decided that Polly deserved more than a "spot" in my weekly inspiration and decided to devote a complete post, so after contacting Polly, I'm sharing one of her decor crafts with you today. You can either see Polly's step by step image instructions over at her website. Or be transported back to 1956 where you can watch Polly's TV instructions to making this pretty walnut wreath below. 

Make this Walnut Wreath with step by step images on Polly's website or 
watch Mrs Polly Rogers delightful Video below

Video created by Loran McCall Photography

See lots more creations over at Polly's website.

A big THANK YOU Polly for allowing me to share your Christmas wreath today.

If you are receiving this post via email, you will have to visit my website or Polly's to view the video as unfortunately as my Feedburner does not appear to embed video's.


  1. Oh Lee aren't you just the sweetest! I love the piece and am such a fan of your blog, which is utterly beautiful.

    (Mrs Polly Rogers!)

  2. Thank you Polly, your a true 50's inspiration :)and I look forward to sharing more of your inspiring crafts in the future.


  3. Hi Lee,
    Just popped in to wish you a very happy holiday season. Thanks for sharing Miss Polly with us, such cute inspiration. I've got to get me some walnuts now!
    Be blessed and continue to make the world beautiful my friend.
    Hugs and happy,

    1. Thanks for popping by Patti and leaving a comment, I do love to hear from readers. Glad you enjoyed the post on Polly and thank you for your kind words.

      Lee :)


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